You can click on the text above and see the images of Elizabeth Short's body. I don't recommend that though, as you gain a window on human brutality that will stay with you forever. I have included the text and made comparisons to her murder and photos of mutilated cows. I speculate that these incidents are connected in several ways, mostly from description of the discovery sites and visual similarity to the mutilations.
These stories meander around and lead to nothing, leaving readers with the feeling that the mysteries will never be solved. I find several connections between Jim Morrison and the Elizabeth Short (the Black Dahlia). It is long since I would dare set foot or tire in LA county, the most dangerous place on the planet as far as I am concerned.
Jim in what I believe to be an obvious
emulation of the Black Dahlia discovery site.
Cow abduction lamp available for purchase online
Satirical commemorative painting by the incredible Todd Schorr
The Transmogrifer confesses to being a lizard person, having been entranced by them in the Durfee Elementary school yard of Pico Rivera, California in 1956.
I, shoulda known better with a lizard like you, that I would love everything that you do, and I do, and I dooooooo
Lizard men get the best babes
Hollywood lizards are phoneys!
The Lizard King, he changed everything! The sound of birds singing is very charming until it's in unison
George Orwell's 1984 was required reading in high school. Ever since I read it, I've imagined that he got the inspiration for his omniscient police state and electronic surveillance from Egyptian art.
Our political system offers a skeleton in every closet, rather than a chicken smoking pot.
I'll bet you're one of those sensitive cocksuckers I've been hearin' about Private Powerless! The best part of me ran down my momma's ass in child birth, now I'm gonna make you into a monster, just like myself grabassitic piece of shit!
We wear uniforms: that makes us normal! We carry our normality into town as honor! You are a useless piece of shit because I am one rank above you and I say so. I out rank you, that makes me your God! The more trivial the infraction, the worse your punishment. Helping you die on the battlefield will be my pleasure and the normal course of evolution in this fucked-up world we create for each other! Remember that word "normal" are going to feel like it's an honor to die for your country you stinking recruit. I don't believe you were fucking stupid enough to volunteer for all this verbal and physical abuse, so it's my sworn duty to make sure you regret every fucking moment of your miserable life! When we're in garrison I'll be your best friend, but out here in public I won't be happy until your sorry ass is laying in a flag draped coffin while I'm fucking your wife in the ass! You can take that to the fucking bank and cash it! In God we trust asshole! Do you know what "polemic" means you ignorant excuse for a human being? You aren't stupid enough to take any of this personally are you, well are you? Well, you shouldn't because you are not even a person anymore, you are a wastebasket for my egregious bile!
Early influences: Marshall McLuhan, Alan Watts, J. Krishnamurti. Iconoclastic thinker with semi-bizarre tendancies. Apolitical and cinema buff. Favorite director: Kieslowski.
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